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Areas of Interest

My coaching philosophy is rooted in the evidence-based science of positive psychology and wellbeing. Wellbeing is complex, encompassing many dimensions, both subjective and psychological. It has been described as flourishing, thriving, a positive state, and a state of being healthy and happy.

I’m interested in the individual experience of what it is to be human, what makes us unique, as well as what unites us, our strengths, the psychological resources we have and how we apply those in our own specific circumstances and environments. Curious about the diversity of human experience, I welcome clients from all walks and stages of life. 


Paragliding in the Mountains

Wellbeing, Performance & Sport

Performance can be viewed as both an outcome as well as a process, but whether we are striving to perform in work, sport, the arts or in our leisure pursuits, I believe that wellbeing is central to meaningful success. A goal achieved in the absence of, or at a cost to our wellbeing, is arguably one not worth celebrating in the first place.

I offer those with aspirational goals who also value their long-term wellbeing a coaching space to explore performance goals in a holistic way.

Glacier River

Wellbeing, Navigating Life Transitions

Life transitions are part of the rich experience of being human. Some like ageing or menopause are inevitable. Others may be planned like starting a new job or retirement. And others might take us by surprise.

No matter how we arrive at them, life transitions can present us with challenges, sometimes a sense of loss, but also great opportunities for growth and positive change. Wellbeing is often at the core of how successfully we adapt to such changes. Coaching can be a way of helping  to navigate through significant periods in life.

Travel planning
Trees in Lake
Trees in Lake

Wellbeing & Posttraumatic Growth

Post-traumatic growth is a state whereby some individuals following challenging life events emerge to discover personal strengths, or a deeper connectedness with others, new opportunities, a heightened appreciation of life, or a greater sense of spirituality or existential awakening. This profound sense of change can be both exciting and unsettling.

Through coaching I invite individuals to explore posttraumatic growth and the opportunities it presents.  

As a trauma-informed coach I support those positively ready to embrace coaching beyond trauma.


* Individuals looking for support in dealing with the impact of trauma should seek out counselling or therapeutic services. 

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